Outdoor Living – Our Home Bliss http://ourhomebliss.com Wed, 23 Sep 2020 23:20:14 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.1.5 Benefits of Hydrated Lime http://ourhomebliss.com/benefits-of-hydrated-lime/ Sun, 23 Aug 2020 05:07:52 +0000 http://ourhomebliss.com/?p=88 …]]> Guest post written by Zac McDaniel, First Saturday Lime.

If you have not heard about hydrated lime as an alternative to dangerous pesticides, you are going to want to keep reading, and you might even want to take notes! Consumers, major growers, hobby farmers and gardeners have finally begun to heed the warnings about chemical based pesticides. Abandoning these long used dangerous pesticides, however, have left many wondering what to do about the flying, crawling, and burrowing insects that threaten the harvest in which they have invested so much time and money. An all natural pest deterrent, hydrated lime is a safe and healthy alternative to protecting your vegetation. If you are already interested in using hydrated lime, one of the most innovative products derived from hydrated lime is a brand new product called First Saturday Lime.

Working hydrated lime into your soil, pouring a border around your plots, or sprinkling the lime onto the plants themselves will drive bugs away and keep them away. Hydrated lime will not only create an inhospitable environment for the creepy crawlies and unfriendly fliers, but it will also dry out any larvae and eggs that may have been left behind! All this protection and from the ground to your table, a thorough rinse, and the plants are safe for consumption. This limestone based product works on lawns and flower gardens, too! Along with the insects that may wreak havoc on your vegetation, hydrated lime also acts as a deterrent to fleas, ticks, and mosquitos. Hydrated lime can also be used around the borders of homes, shops, barns and other areas where you might want to deter pests.

Limestone based products have long been used to balance the pH of soils with high acidity. Hydrated lime can do that, too. Testing your soils and applying the recommended amount will allow for you to sweeten your soil for plant growth while also deterring insects that can bring harm to your crop. If your soil has a perfect pH, however, you need not hesitate using hydrated lime for pest control. The amount of hydrated lime you need to deter pests is insignificant to the quantities needed to alter the pH of your soil.

ONE IMPORTANT WARNING! Hydrated lime can be dangerous to handle.
Applicators will definitely want to wear gloves when applying it and avoid inhaling the lime or getting it in your eyes. Dust masks and eyewear are recommended. You should keep your children and pets away from direct contact. Although hydrated lime will have no negative effects on your vegetation and its final purpose, ingestions and direct contact with hydrated lime is caustic to the human body. First Saturday Lime, however, provides the same effectiveness while being completely safe for both animal and human interaction!

As a passion project of fourth generational Oklahoma farmers, the goal and end result was to formulate a safer but stronger derivation of hydrated lime, and thus an incredible alternative to the harmful substances growers across America have been using for hundreds of years. With children of their own and a heart for a new and healthy culture of farming and gardening, painstaking hours of formulating, testing, and trying again and again resulted in a product that can be harmlessly handled by adults and children alike. First Saturday Lime can even be safely used in animal habitats like horse stalls, dog pens, and chicken coops to sanitize and quell odors.

Bugs are always going to want to bug you and your plants, but do away with the chemicals and try hydrated lime for a safe and natural solution. If you want the safest and strongest alternative, don’t forget to try First Saturday Lime.

Photo’s provided by Pexels.com.


How to protect your home from extreme weather this fall http://ourhomebliss.com/how-to-protect-your-home-from-extreme-weather-this-fall/ Sun, 26 Jul 2020 05:42:16 +0000 http://ourhomebliss.com/?p=47 …]]> With homeownership comes the the need for preparedness in case of extreme weather. Depending on the part of the country you live in, hail, hurricanes or flooding can wreak havoc on your day and make it necessary to carry additional insurance policies to make sure you are fully protected no matter what Mother Nature throws at you.

The Outdoor Power Equipment Institute is an international trade association working with power equipment manufactures around the world, and they are the foremost experts on helping home and business owners protect their assets. These tips from OPEI can help you ensure your home is protected from extreme weather.

Take the time now to prepare for the upcoming winter an ensure your home is fully protected no matter what kind of weather heads your way this fall.

How to protect your home from stormy weather

Plan out what kind of equipment and tools you need to repair your home. 
Survey your property. Consider the damage a storm might cause and make a list of what tools might be needed to weather the storm or make repairs afterwards. You might need a chainsaw, pole pruner, generator, or UTV. Take time to think through a strategy for clean-up efforts.

While the weather is good, make sure everything is in working order.
Make sure all equipment is in good working order. Check snowblowers, generators, chainsaws and anything else you might need in your particular area. If necessary, take your equipment to an authorized service center for maintenance or repair. There is nothing worse than trying to use something for the first time in the season and discovering it is broken.

Create an emergency repair Go Box
Avoid the scramble for sturdy shoes, safety goggles, hard hats, reflective clothing, flashlights with working batteries and work gloves. Round them up now and store them in an accessible area with your equipment.

Stock the correct kind of fuel and charge any batteries
Gas stations may be closed after a storm, so it’s important to have the proper fuel for your equipment. Store your fuel in an approved container. Use the type of fuel recommended by your equipment manufacturer. It is illegal to use any fuel with more than 10% ethanol in outdoor power equipment (for more information on proper fueling for outdoor power equipment visit www.LookBeforeYouPump.com).

Ensure that everyone in your home, including children, understands basic safety precautions
There are some fundamental safety tips everyone should follow year-round. For instance, observe the safety zone, which means keeping bystanders and power lines (those above you and any that might have fallen down) at least 50 feet away from your work area. Also, if using a chainsaw, understand kickback, which may happen when the moving chain at the tip of the guide bar touches an object, or when the wood closes in and pinches the saw chain in the cut. Always stand with your weight on both feet, and adjust your stance so you are angled away from the blade. Hold the chainsaw with both hands. Never over-reach or cut anything above your shoulder height. Always have a planned retreat path if something falls.

If you have a portable generator, make sure you know to use it safely and have a place outside for it to run
Generators should never be used in an enclosed area or placed inside a home or garage, even if the windows or doors are open. Place the generator outside and away from windows, doors, and vents that could allow carbon monoxide to come indoors. It should have plenty of ventilation. Keep the generator dry and do not use it in rainy or wet conditions. Before refueling, turn the generator off and let it cool down.

Looking for more tips? Check out this graphic from OPEI

How to prepare your home for a storm

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We’ll be featuring reader projects and building a network of expert contributors to help inspire our readers. If you are interested in having a project featured, or would like to share your expertise, please contact us.

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